Recipe For Chaos

Real Stories From The Chaotic Front

New Years Resolutions

I know this is a bit early but a co-worker was looking for copy for the next Employee Newsletter and asked us each to submit a resolution. Do you set a New Years Resolution? I normally don’t. Not because I’m perfect (hardly) but because it’s too much work to try to change one more thing. When I do set a resolution I give it an honest try. I gave it some thought and came up with a few sarcastic glib responses. What I settled on is reading to my children on a more consistent basis. Each of my work weeks include three nights. On the other days..I’m darn tired when bedtime rolls around. If the little ones are awake when I get home I will sit in their room and read a book or two before sitting sentinel and reading my own (I read constantly-just adult books and umm not aloud).  I do however consistently bring home an endless supply of childrens material from the library.  I’ve started chapter books and found that they want me to complete the entire thing in one sitting. My kids are smart enough to have figured out they will  forget the plot by the time I get back around to finishing. Well tonight, bedtime found me both off work and with an armload of age appropriate books to read. My sister was just leaving (she dropped of Cinnabon -that we shared- and Christmas decorations…XOXO LUCY!). I told the boys to get in bed and I’d be there in a minute. I turned to her and said- don’t you just hate when you open a kids book and think ” OH MY GOD! THERE ARE SO MANY WORDS !!! (her response-after giggling- “sounds like a blog.”) I swear I’m a Great Good…

btw. I read every single one of them!

We listen to Audio books all the time in the car…Maybe Santa will bring a CD player for the bedroom this year…hmmmm


December 9, 2008 Posted by | Bed Time, General Mayhem | , , , , , , | 2 Comments